Important links The links are sorted by date (the newest links are at the top) Collaborators / AffiliatesADG (Africa in Democracy and Good Governance | ADG is a membership based regional organization, registered and headquartered in the Gambia with the following aims and objectives:
- To engage in matters relating to Human Rights, Democracy and the promotion of Good Governance in Africa;
- To lobby for the reforms in governments;
- To campaign against corruption and impunity;
- To dialogue with and encourage governments, those in authority and Civil Society, to uphold the Rule of Law, to guarantee the security of lives and properties and to ensure a profound respect for Human and People’s Rights.
We are very proud associating with the campaign for 1 Voice 1 Action 1 Africa.
Please visit our site to know more about us. | 247 Clicks | <= Back to overviewThanks for being part of the campaign. Add own link: